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The Beauty of Neck Lifts: Remove More Than Excess Skin

Most people think of a surgical neck lift as a way to remove excess skin. What you may not realize is that many who have opted for a neck lift are pleasantly surprised by what a difference it makes to their looks in general. This single procedure can be a game-changer for your appearance in several surprising ways.

A Neck Lift Visually Elongates the Neck

Some people come to my office for a neck lift because they still have a double chin, no matter how much they diet and exercise. During a neck lift, I remove excess skin and fat in the lower face and neck and tighten the platysma muscle to fix a turkey wattle and jowls. With everything contoured and back in place, the neck looks longer and slimmer. These procedures are performed under local anesthesia at my AAAASF-certified operating suite in my Pasadena office.

A Neck Lift Brings Youthfulness to Your Face

The beauty industry spends billions of dollars a year on advertising to encourage people to buy creams and serums for a more youthful looking face. What most people don’t realize is that your neck—sometimes more than your face—shows your true age. As we age, fat and platysmal muscle in the face and neck tend to droop, leaving you with a bottom-heavy look to your face and neck. Even if you are in great shape, your skin loses elasticity as you age leaving you with sagging skin in your neck. A neck lift removes the saggy, excess skin and fat, tightens your platysmal muscle, and leaves you with a smooth, youthful, defined look to your face and neck.

A Neck Lift Makes You Look Slimmer

One of the most surprising benefits of a neck lift is that a thinner neck takes pounds off your appearance without dieting. When it’s due to aging, fitness measures can do little to rid you of the excess skin, fat, and lax muscle around your face and neck. Fortunately, a neck lift addresses all of these changes, which can bring balance to an otherwise healthy body. As a result, many of our patients look thinner after their neck lift without running miles or counting calories. Take a look at our gallery for before-and-after photos that show the range of results you can expect from a neck lift.

Of course, the decision to have a neck lift should never be made lightly. Like any surgical procedure, there is some degree of risk and not everyone can achieve the results they are hoping for with a neck lift alone. That is why I offer hour-long consultations for potential patients. I want you to be able to ask every question you have and receive all of the information you need to make an informed decision without feeling rushed or pressured.

If you think you might enjoy the beauty benefits of a neck lift, contact us to schedule your consultation.

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