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Will My Rosacea Go Away on Its Own?

Will My Rosacea Go Away on Its Own?

The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that about 14 million people in the United States have rosacea, which, contrary to popular belief, is not a type of acne. Unfortunately, rosacea is frequently misdiagnosed and often inadequately treated.

The Sasaki Advanced Aesthetic Medical Center team, led by triple board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gordon Sasaki, outlines the many successful treatments available for rosacea and explains why combination therapies offer the best results.

Understanding rosacea

Rosacea usually develops on the face, is more common after age 30, and affects more women than men.

Symptoms vary but typically affect the facial cheeks and nose and may include:

Rosacea can also cause redness, dryness, and irritation of the eyes and eyelids (ocular rosacea), which may develop before you experience symptoms elsewhere and requires treatment by an ophthalmologist.

What causes rosacea?

Medical researchers are still investigating the underlying causes of rosacea. Thus far, they feel it’s likely caused by an overactive immune system, genetics, or environmental issues.

Rosacea symptoms tend to come and go, often worsening for weeks to months and then fading for a time before something triggers another flare-up.

Triggers can include:

Although there is no “cure” for rosacea, effective treatment can erase the redness, spider veins, and other skin changes associated with rosacea and significantly reduce the frequency or intensity of future episodes. 

How do you treat rosacea?

Rosacea treatment at Sasaki Advanced Aesthetic Medical Center starts with a thorough skin evaluation to confirm the diagnosis. 

Dr. Sasaki then develops a customized treatment strategy that addresses the symptoms and the cosmetic effects of rosacea. 

Your individualized plan may include:

Dr. Sasaki may also recommend laser or light therapy for spider veins, thickened skin, or other cosmetic changes related to rosacea. Performed conveniently in our spa-like facility, these painless treatments enhance your body’s ability to heal your skin naturally from the inside out.

Schedule an evaluation at Sasaki Advanced Aesthetic Medical Center today for more information about rosacea treatment or any of the outstanding services we offer at our Pasadena office. 

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